Why Bother Parenting Mindfully?
Most of us were raised being told that we were wrong, not good or smart enough, not pretty or brave enough, or that our feelings and point of view didn’t matter. As a result, we didn’t feel heard, fully accepted, or like we belonged. We began to feel alone in this world. So, we do as Gabrielle Bernstein perfectly states, “We use judgment to protect ourselves against the pain and fear of being alone.”
We all feel the calling deep inside of us to rise up and shed that pain. We all want to honor the truth of who we are and make sure that we’re heard, so we know that our point of view matters. We’ve all heard “It’s time to wake up” but what does that truly mean?
It means to act from a place of compassion, empathy, and love, before doing or saying anything else. As parents, it means to activate those attributes before we correct behavior.
Does that make you a permissive parent? Heavens no, that makes you a conscious, aware, and mindful parent.
The biggest misconception people have about being a conscious mindful parent is thinking that you don’t correct behavior, you don’t use rules and boundaries, and you let kids get away with having an attitude or being disrespectful. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The awareness, the mindfulness, the consciousness is found in the words you use, the actions you take, and in the way you respond, not react.
Using aware, mindful, and powerful words shares your truth. And sharing and acting on the truth, not the illusion of how you wish things would be, raises strong resilient, empowered, respectful and capable human beings ready to take on the challenges we all face in this world. And you need to begin today!
When you begin as early as possible your child’s foundation is built on those principals, and they can return to that strong foundation any time they feel they need guidance to face life’s challenges.
They’ll learn how to think things through before moving forward.
They’ll know how to express their feelings without acting out to call attention to their needs.
They’ll extend kindness and respect to others.
And they’ll understand that compassion is the key that unlocks your truth.
These things are what extinguishes hate and violence toward each other.
Changing how you talk to your kids; changing how you correct behavior, these are the steps parents can take to not only shape their child, but the world around us. What’s stopping you from including those things when you correct your child’s behavior?
If you’re not sure how to make those changes, not sure which words and concepts to use, Proactive Parenting can help. Our all new eBooks and audios embrace conscious, practical yet mindfully firm ways to correct behavior and reduce your emotional exhaustion.
The events in our world are telling us it’s time for change. What’s stopping you?
Great read