Tip #7, #8, #9, & #10 in The 12 Days of Parenting Tips for Christmas

Tip #7

Day #7 in the 12 Days of #Parenting #Tips for #Christmas. The day I wrote this tip was a rushing day for me. I’m glad I wasn’t dragging any little people with me. If you have no choice but to take children with you when you have a lot to do, then this tip may help. It reminds you to suggest activities in the car, as you go from place to place, and when you get home, that help kids get back to a calmer place so there are less behavior issues.


Tip #8


Some days it all seems like it’s just too much. That happens to kids too? Tip #8 in The 12 Days of #Parenting #Tips for #Christmas, helps you reframe something that most parents just want to stop as soon as possible!




Tip #9 Emotions are the key



Tip #9 in the 12 Days of #Parenting #Tips for #Christmas is a call to action. A challenge if you will to see your child’s behavior in a different light, a more conscious light. And to address that behavior with awareness, connection and love.








Tip #10 A label is a placeholder

Tip #10 in the 12 Days of #Parenting #Tips for #Christmas is nothing new, yet we all need this reminder from time to time. Ask yourself this question: Are you still wearing the negative labels that were given to you by a parent, a teacher or a friend? Do you let those labels define you, limit you, prevent you from being who you want to be, and know you can be? No one wants that for their child. As our child’s 1st teacher we need to stop the judgements, snarky remarks and labeling of strangers, friends, relatives and of course, our kids.


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