The struggle is REAL— Part 1
The endless decisions, the tedious chores, the demanding activities, nurturing your relationship, yourself, and the kids, plus the work you do—the struggle to get it all done is REAL!
You feel like a train wreak
You’re physically and emotionally exhausted. Yet, each time you think about the never-ending chores list, you get a bad case of what-about-me-ism.
A Solution
I learned about this one this morning. It’s an app designed to organize you by breaking tasks down into manageable bites (5 minutes increments), so you can get it all done in record time, which frees up time for you!
Moms are firefighters
Moms fly by the seat of their pants [which creates chaos]. They put out the most critical fire at the moment [which creates confusion], and then they attempt to take a breath [trying to reset themselves] so they can move on to the next emotional fire [which creates more chaos], and they do this day in and day out!
No wonder you’re exhausted!
That endless chaos leaves little room for the other chores to get done and leaves NO ROOM for you to relax or focus on your needs.
As it turns out, where you place your focus is a large part of your struggle.
Think of it this way
Suppose you get resentful because it’s your turn to wash the dishes. If you huff and puff and are ready to blow anyone down who looks at you the wrong way, then your focus isn’t on doing the dishes and getting them done; your focus is on resisting washing the dishes. That resistance quickly turns to resentment.
Your resentment is what’s actually stealing your emotional energy—
not having to wash the dishes.
The solution?
First download the app, Todoist @
Then, get a pad of paper and walk around your house listing all the chores you have to do. Include business chores and activities if applicable.
Break each chore into task segments versus listing it as “clean this” or “write that.”
Monday – wash kitchen counter
Tuesday – wash cabinets (mine get grimy)
Wednesday – clean lg. appliance
Thursday – wash stove
Friday – wash the kitchen floor.
Each task takes about 5 minutes, and that’s all you do for that day. Fill it out any way you like.
Why bother
I know this sounds like another January Self-Improvement Tip; however, when you do this, you stop making decisions, which is the #1 complaint women have about having kids—having to make so many decisions. This works.
Why am I suggesting this? I will talk about that tomorrow.
Now, go hug your kids!