Seeing With Your Heart
This week’s topic: Seeing The BIG Picture.
Plus, A-Challenge-For-You.
If your child misbehaves, argues, or has a tantrum today, try seeing things with your heart.
The conscious act of dropping from your mind to your heart instantly causes you to connect.
Viewing things with your heart allows you to see reality; you’re facing a moment of growth, not a moment to punish.
Many parents think that using a mindful parenting authority is permissive parenting. The truth is being mindful is crystal clear, and that translates as firmness to children.
Mindful clarity isn’t mean or damaging in any way; it’s empathetic, supportive, clear and empowering. More about that later this week.
Need a solution TODAY?
Motivating Listening & Cooperation, my masterclass product, shares how to create mindful teaching consequences.
When you follow a plan you’re able to respond because you see your child truly learning. AND that’s significantly different than all the yelling and punishing you’ve been doing to try and shut down behavior and big emotions.
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#clarity #mindfulness #peopleops
Now go hug your kids!
I love this about the Big Picture! I am a manager of technical staff and also in charge of hiring and firing and there have been many occasions where I discuss traits I see in the workforce today with my children. Not only am I trying to let them see I am more than Mom, I want to make them good citizens, employees and possibly managers some day 🙂