Reacting to Your Child’s Behavior: Where Does it Come From for You?
I’d like your help with a RESEARCH project. Recently I did a survey with a small section of the parents who are on my list, about 300. I asked them to rank the things they most wanted me to address. 100% ranked “reacting” as #1. Now I’d like to hear from all of you!
You may or may not know that Proactive Parenting is about sharing ways to respond, not react. My goal with this research question is to stop guessing what you’re interested in learning about, and ask you what you want to learn more about. Here goes.
1. Where do you think reacting to your child’s behavior comes from for you? Even with all the evidence and information helping parents respond, not react, parents still yell, scream and punish. Why do you think that still happens?
2. What is the #1 and #2 parenting topic you’d like to learn more about?