4 Surprising Parent Triggers that Rob your Patience;
Causing you to Freak Out on the Kids and How to Shift to Better Listening.
You’re mad when she doesn’t listen, or he refuses to cooperate, and you’ve also flown off the handle from time to time. You knew parenting would be challenging, but it never occurred to you that you’d feel such intense anger. Imagine feeling more like yourself and back in control again. That’s what the solutions in this video provide.
We’ll handle:
- How a parent and child’s perception influences lack of listening and cooperation.
- How these different perspectives can cause communication and connection problems in other
areas of family life. - How a parent’s seemly accurate, reactive words send misleading messages that trigger kids, who then react and misbehave, which re-triggers the parent, and on and on we go.
- Why kids test the rules, even clearly defined ones.
- A solution teachers use that works to reinforce listening and cooperation.
- How to phrase things, so the words and actions used to create the responsive result and true understanding you’ve been looking for.
- What negative bids for attention are all about, and how to change them.
- A way to redirect negative bids for attention without compromising your adult needs.
- A quick, fun way to give the critical attention all kids need to feel significant.
- 4 habits parents use to announce rules and what happens as a result.
- A way to use mindful rules to shift the focus from fear of punishment to focusing on the impact the broken rule has created.How to set up a rule system that creates genuine and heartfelt apologies.
If you find your child isn’t listening, and it’s leading to frustration and even episodes of mom-rage, then grab the solutions now.
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