Intro to these Articles
What’s different about this blog?
This blog is not going to be a journal-like blog of my experiences. I’m too boring for that! What it will be is a place parents can come to refresh their parenting and possibly change the way they look at parenting.
Who am I?
My name is Sharon Silver from
I’ve been teaching parenting for 18 years. I’d say parenting is my passion.
I seem to have a lot to say about it, which is why I decided to do a blog.
The problem is, I’m used to speaking publically. I’m not a natural writer, so please be kind!
Another problem, well, I don’t think it’s a problem, some say I tend to get directly to the heart of the matter. I agree. I’m really nice, and sometime funny about it, too!
Why a blog?
These days, we live in a blog/Twitter/text world. Everything is short and direct, even my new book is written in the short blog-like style, everything about life is quick, so we can all go back to our busy lives. You expect that, so I will try and deliver that. Like I said, I have a lot to say. My goal for 2011 is brevity and editing!
What can I contribute to your parenting?
I’m not presumptuous enough to think I can solve all your parenting issues. That’s your job. What I can do is share a different perspective. Parents always seem to say the same thing after they hear me talk, “I never looked at it that way!” That’s what I think I can contribute, another way of looking at things.
Here’s an example
I believe that anything transformative is usually simple at its core. The way I look at parenting is no different.
- When a parent reacts or yells, a child tends to shrink away from the yelling. The parent’s firmness gets lost in the yelling.
- When a parent responds, they’re able to be calm and discipline, which actually means to teach. The calmness allows the parent’s firmness to take center stage.
- I believe that parenting is 18% corrections, 18% about rules and boundaries and 64% about listening, changing the way you talk to your child, supporting them, love, supporting them some more, and more love. I made the statistic up; just want to keep things lively!
That’s how I look at things. This blog will explore how to apply that point of view and much more each week.
What kind of posts will I have?
I’m a teacher at heart. So my blog is about teaching, not sharing my life. I like the idea of doing several short series over the course of a year. That way we both won’t get bored!
The first series is called Parenting: Living the Dream? I will post one parenting question each Tuesday. The following weeks question will build on the week before.
Sometimes I’ll add my two cents, and sometimes I won’t. Mostly I’ll share what I know about raising kids by sharing another point of view, an example, a story, or a tip. I’ll keep it short and sweet. You don’t have time to read a long blog, and I don’t have time to write one! To keep things interesting I hope you’ll comment, please.
Will the posts only be on Tuesdays?
My plan is to post on Thursday’s, too. Notice I said my plan. Thursday’s posts may be sketchy in the beginning as I’m working and marketing my new book. You can find information about the book at, not a bad plug, don’t you think!
Thursday’s post will be something I’ve found that I believe will enhance your life, your child’s life, your family life, or your home. I love decorating, so I may go there too!
Here’s what I ask from you
I really do want to hear what you have to say. Share your wisdom so others can learn from you too. All I ask is that you’re kind and respectful. I don’t expect everyone to agree with me, (secretly I hope you will) or with others. I do expect that we act like the adults we are, and dialog respectfully.
Come back on January 4th as I ask my first question. See you then!
Sharon Silver is the author of Stop Reacting and Start Responding and The Authentic Parent Series. Go to to download two free chapters from her book and learn about other Proactive Parenting programs. Find Sharon on Twitter and Facebook.