Hot Button Parenting Issues
Every parent faces hot button issues every single day. Between the stress of daily life and emotions associated with childhood parents are always looking for ways to correct behavior and return to peace and quiet.
One very big hot button topic is endless arguing. My article “4 Ways to Curb Your Child Endless Arguing” on PopSugar gives you some immediately acessabile ways to stop the arguing.
Proactive Parenting also has a companion audio seminar called “Power Struggles 101.” It shares even more ways to stop the endless arguing and power struggles and shares sample conversations to get you going.
Another hot button parenting issue is how to teach your child to control him or her self. “7 Ways to Help Your Child Learn Self-Control” tackles this hot topic. Here too, there’s a Proactive Parenting’s companion audio seminar called, “The Art of Self Control.” It specifically addresses nonspectrum behavior of children 2-5 who are having trouble controlling themselves.
You can find both articles on PopSugar moms, just follow the link. You can find both short information based companion audio seminars at Read them both and listen to them both so you can Stop Reacting and Start Responding today!