Woman hand on forehead looking downFeelings: Sharing YOUR TruthThis article is SO Important.What would happen if you followed the advice contained in the last point of this article?What would happen if you told your truth?I have learned that the key to telling the truth is to do it when it comes up for you.
The key is to share what you need to say, before it gets buried and festers, before it begins to have a life of it’s own.
Does that mean you need to shout and scream, maybe, sometimes, but rarely IF you share what’s true for you, when it’s true for you.Crying Mom
What IF you took 1 minute to breathe deeply, and gather your thoughts about something. What if you made a personal change and decided that from now on you will give yourself the grace of 1 minute before reacting.
Even a crying child can wait 1 minute, especially if you are standing right next to them or holding them.That alone can bring on a huge change in how you feel. Anything is better than burying your truth and then blurting out your words after you’ve become consumed by the emotions that accompany the thoughts?Women and mothers, I encourage you to read this IMPORTANT article.Then, let’s support the concept of a tribe and talk about the article. Not argue with any opposing points of view, because everyone is different. Let’s try and understand each other. Hold space for those who are hurting or stressed.We are all women. Most of us are mothers. We all know these feelings. I believe it’s time to connect to what unites us as women, and become more of a tribe that cares for and supports each other.Please share this important piece with others, you know other women who feel this way, I know you do.
They love their kids, and they have these feelings. It’s time to stop hurting because we are hiding our truth.
What do you think? Let me know in the comments!Now, Go Hug Your Kids,Sharon

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