Stop Reacting and Start Responding
108 Ways to Transform Behavior into Learning Moments

Parenting is different than you thought…
Your parenting began with a gentleness that bonded you and your child for life.
Now, despite that bond, you’ve begun reacting more often than you’d like to admit.
The secret solution is to shift
how the lesson is being taught,
in the most mindful way possible, of course.
Let me ask you this…
Does the same misbehavior show up again and again?
Learn two beliefs that cause you to think your child is purposely disobeying you. Pg. 17
Does fibbing, lying, or not owning up to things cause
arguing and conflicts?
Teach your child about honesty and taking responsibility. Pg.119
Do you feel disrespected when you hear an insincere “Sooorrrreeee?”
Reframe “sorry” into a respectful apology that genuinely makes amends. Pg.65

The same boat…
When stress or conflict enters your mind, your ability to think is clouded, which can easily cause reactions.
Responding blends parental clarity and firmness with empathetic mindfulness all of which supports your child as (s)he learns.
Quite simply, responding turns you into the parent you hoped you’d be.
You might have seen me…
The Book…
Stop Reacting and Start Responding: 108 Ways to Transform Behavior into Learning Moments illustrates, through examples from daily life:
- the unique partnership between parent and child when correcting behavior,
- how a child misinterprets reactive corrections,
- how/why a child views misbehavior as a pathway for attention,
- examples of reframing corrections, so kids learn about the situation, themselves, the world, and their responsibility for fixing the problems they’ve created,
- broader solution perspective that impacts the now and sets the stage for how your child sees him/her self in the future.

Time waits for no parent…
You’re busy and want to apply new methods to create change, today!
This book is structured as a resource:
- no chapter is longer than two pages,
- each scenario shares possible solutions at the end of the section.
- each topic has a sample conversation to use as you find your own words.
Begin Responding Today…
As a child, each time I had to make a decision
my dad would say,
“Whatcha got to lose?”
I’d say, “Absolutely nothing!”
Sharon’s Dad
Begin responding instead of reacting and transforms behavior into learning moments.
Here’s what other say…
“I interview top parenting experts every day for my work, but Sharon Silver stood out to me the very first time I talked to her. Her advice to parents is incredibly calming and very do-able. I especially appreciate that her solutions always include sample conversations parents can use with their kids. Concepts are fine and good, but providing actual words we can use—That’s pure parenting gold. I highly recommend Stop Reacting and Start Responding.” –Teri Cettina, contributing editor, Parenting Magazine
“Sharon really does seem to see the entire relationship between parent and child in our interactions in a way that most authors and experts don’t. I think my entire parenting experience would have been easier if I’d known about her work when my older one was younger.” –Moxie,
Even More Love…
“A glorious collection of parenting tips that moms can instantly use to help them raise good and caring kids.”
“In an era when we all feel confused about ‘how to parent’ our children, Parent Educator Sharon Silver provides sensible, modern advice real parents can really use. It can be difficult to navigate the differing opinions of experts … [Sharon shows us that] time-out isn’t the only option.”
“I not only treasure Sharon’s advice, but also her voice. She has a gentle, but very present way of communicating that lets the reader know that she can relate to what is happening, [she] empathizes, and at the same time is wise enough to hold the reader] and give some grounding.”