Transforming your parenting journey from reactive to proactive and responsive so that you raise the next generation of trail-blazers.

Proactive Parenting change responding into learning moments. Ways to change yelling & punishment into effective ways to correct behavior, teach self-discipline.
You’re Smart!
~ You want to know why you’re not as calm as you’d like when correcting behavior.
~ You use the right words and seem calm on the outside, but lack the tools to correct behavior in a way that allows you feel calm on the inside.
What you want is
~ more sweet, loving moments than moments filled with yelling and punishing.
~ your needs acknowledged and lived experience respected.
~ better communication, rules, and boundaries, all without harming your child’s true nature.

Hi, I’m Sharon.
I’m guessing someone mentioned my name, or you saw me online.
However you found me, I’m glad you’re here.
Proactive Parenting is the only parenting journey
that shifts familiar reactions into learning moments
by slowly releasing your child to themselves bit by bit,
so they become resilient without yelling and punishment.
Sandra Beck — Military Moms Talk Radio
~I want to applaud you for your approach to parenting. While things may not always work out perfectly, it resonates with you. And yet, you can feel a deeper part of your parenting self waiting to be revealed.
~You’re ready to move from solutions that only address the result—the misbehavior, to solutions that ultimately transform behavior because you know the behavior won’t fully be resolved until a deeper truth is revealed and you’ve passed on the skills needed to pull away from dysregulation.
You are a cycle breaker
—raising a trail-blazer

These little-known solutions shift how you teach the skills needed to change behavior,
so you teach without harming your child’s spirit, or losing your temper.

You want to live in a world where …
~ how you parent inspires your children to be caretakers of our precious world.
~ your parenting addresses the root of emotional wounds for you and your child.
~ kids are exposed to the skills to go from dysregulation to resilience and well-being.

What you can expect
~ calmer, more mindful parenting, even when triggered.
~ systems to empower kids as you correct behavior, so they feel seen and heard.
~ mastery of little-known superpowers parents have and how to use them.

Who is Sharon Silver…
Parents say talking to me is like having coffee with a friend who has insight and wisdom to share.
They named me the Parent Whisperer because I have the unique ability to see things through a child’s eyes, allowing me to understand and express what they are too young to articulate.
I bring 30+ years of parenting and early childhood knowledge and wisdom, plus a methodology that, as a published author, has been shared with been shared with parents in 93 countries to create calm, no-yelling, mindful authoritative and empathetic solutions that reflect your family’s boundaries.

It’s easy to fall into a rut of non-action.
Parenting challenges us to be our best 24/7—that’s a lot of pressure.
Without an actionable plan, it’s easy to fall into non-action and repeat the same
methods again and again, hoping for a different result.
“It is a great thing to be loved—it’s a profound thing to be understood.”
Walt Whitman

Stop Reacting and Start Responding
108 Ways to Transform Behavior into
Learning Moments
You are a strong, empowered person, and parenting is far different than you thought it would be. Sometimes, what you need is a different perspective to figure out and step into what works.
Stop Reacting is more than just a book-it’s a resource, a reference, and a support system for parental empowerment based on the daily things that occur in families.
It’s like having coffee with a friend who’s been where you are and has the advice you’ve been looking for. But, more importantly, this book answers the questions you have yet to ask.
Other parents have seen Results. Will you be next?

With the Permission of Parent Tell Podcast